Inspire STEAM!

Inspire STEAM! provides day camp for girls 5-7 years old with fun-filled real world exploration that opens their eyes to the world around them. STEAM concepts are discovered daily as a way of thinking, approaching problems, experimenting, and finding solutions. The girls will engage in weekly projects that range from exploring the idea of what it means to work through entrepreneurship to engineering their own castles. Our curriculum will provide literacy, motor, social, and self-regulation skills through play, art, yoga, and more.

Daily Activities

  • Morning Meetings
  • Daily STEAM Exploration based on Project of the Week
  • Music & Movement
  • Yoga & Mindfulness
  • Technology Centers
  • Community Building
  • Art Based Tactile Learning


The camp experience is designed to spark students’ interests while developing foundational skills to give girls the confidence to know that they can handle problems on their own. The daily explorations based on a STEAM concept will give your daughter’s natural curiosity wings. Where the goal for your daughter is to become a leader in her learning and be engaged in her own inquiry and discovery.


We will begin enrolling for our Inspire STEAM! Summer Camp in December of 2017.

Please click here to add your name our interest list.

See highlights from our Inspire STEAM! camp from last summer: